
In preparation/submitted

Stritt, C., Wicker, T., Gordon S., Vogel, J., and Roulin, A.C. Genome wide analysis of 52 natural accessions of Brachypodium distachyon reveal a recent activity of transposable elements. In prep.


(13) Roulin, A.C.*, Bourgeois*, Y., Muller, K., and Ebert, D. 2017. Parasitism drives host genome evolution: insights from the Pasteuria ramosa - Daphnia magna system. Evolution. 71-4:1106–1113.

(12) Roulin, A.C., Bourgeois, Y., Stiefel, U., Walser, J-C., and Ebert, D. 2016. A photoreceptor contributes to the natural variation of diapause induction in Daphnia magna. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 33:3194-3204.

(11) Schlotz, N.,  Roulin, A.C., Ebert, D., and Martin-Creuzburg, D. 2016. Combined effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and parasite exposure on eicosanoid-related gene expression in an invertebrate model. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 201:115-123. Schlotz_et_al_2016.pdf

(10) Roulin, A.C., Mariadassou, M., Hall, M.D., Walser, J-C., Haag, C., and Ebert, D. 2015. High genetic variation in resting stage production in a metapopulation: Is there evidence for local adaptation? Evolution. 6 (10): 2747-2756.

(9) Roulin, A.C., Wu, M., Pichon, P., Arbore, R., Kuhn-Buhlmann, S., Koelliker, K., Walser, JC. 2014. De novo transcriptome assembly and validation in the European earwig (Dermaptera, Forficula auricularia). Plos One. 10;9(4):e94098. Roulin_pone_2014.pdf

(8) Roulin, A., Routtu, J., Janicke, T., Hall, M., Coulson, I., Haag, C., and Ebert, D. 2013. Local adaptation of sex induction in a facultative sexual crustacean: insights from QTL mapping and natural populations of Daphnia magna. Molecular Ecology. 22: 3567-79. Roulin_Mol_Ecol_2013.pdf

(7) Roulin, A., Auer, P.L, Libault, M., Schlueter, R., Farmer, A, May, G., Stacey, G., Doerge ,R.W. and Jackson, S.A. 2013. Duplicate gene fate in the highly duplicated soybean (Glycine max) genome. The Plant Journal. 73: 143-153. Roulin_PlantJ_2013.pdf

(6) Sabot, F., Picault, N., El-Baidouri, M., Llauro, C., Chaparro, C., Piegu, B., Roulin, A.Guiderdoni, E., Delabastide, M., McCombie, R., Panaud, O. 2011. Transpositional landscape of the rice genome revealed by paired-end mapping of high-throughput re-sequencing data. The Plant Journal. 66: 241-6. Sabot_PlantJ_2011.pdf

(5) Roulin, A., Chaparro, C., Piegu, B., Jackson, S., and Panaud, O. 2010. Paleogenomic analysis of the short arm of chromosome 3 reveals the history of the African and Asian progenitors of cultivated rices. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2: 132-9. Roulin_GBE_2010.pdf

(4) Roulin, A., Piegu, B., Fortune, P., Sabot, F., d'Hont, A., Manicacci, D., and Panaud, O. 2009. Whole genome surveys of rice, maize and Sorghum reveal multiple transfers of the LTR retrotransposon Route66 in Poaceae. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9:58. Roulin_BMC_2009.pdf

(3) Roulin, A., Fortune, P., and Panaud O. 2008. Horizontal transfer of transposable element in plants. Communicative and Integrative Biology. 1: 1-4. Roulin_CIB_2008.pdf

(2) Roulin, A., Piegu, B, Wing, R.A, and Panaud, O. 2008. Evidence of multiple horizontal transfers of the long terminal repeat retrotransposon RIRE1 within the genue Oryza. The Plant Journal. 53: 950-959. Roulin_PlantJ_2008.pdf

(1) Piegu, B., Guyot, R., Picault, N., Roulin, A., Saniyal, A., Kim, H., Collura, K., Brar, D., Jackson, S., Wing, R., and Panaud, O. 2006. Doubling genome size without polyploidization: dynamics of retrotransposition-driven genomic expansions in the genus Oryza. Genome Research. 16: 1262-1269. Piegu_Genome_Research_2006.pdf

© Anne Roulin 2016